Seminar on Condensed Matter Physics (CMP seminar)
Time: Thursday, 12:10-13:10, weekly
Room: P1-02-110
Online access: permanent Zoom link
The scope of the CMP seminar covers a broad range of solid-state phenomena at the junction of quantum electrodynamics, light-matter interaction, ultrafast and nonlinear optics, acousto- and magnetooptics, spintronics, topological and time-crystal physics, and many others. We aim to provide young researchers with a broad overview of the experimental and theoretical approaches and recent advances in condensed matter physics.
If you want to present your work at the seminar, we will gladly provide you with the stage.
With any questions, please contact Dr. Alexey Scherbakov or Dr. Anton Samusev.
The seminar archive, including abstracts and video recordings, is available below.