ICPS Conference

A big delegation of E2 members participated in 34th "International Conference on semiconductors" (ICPS) which was hold in Montpellier, on July 29 to August 3 of this year. We were able to present and discuss recent work from a variety of our projects and we are especially glad to announce two winners of the Best Student Poster Award, coming from our chair.
From left to right:
A. Kamenskii - E2 TU-Dortmund
Increased sensitivity of spin noise spectroscopy using homodyne detection in n-doped GaAs
I. Solovev- Solab St. Peterburg State University
Time-resolved photon echoes from excitons and trions in ZnO/ZnMgO quantum wells
E. Kirstein - E2 TU-Dortmund
Optically induced Mn2+ spin dynamics and proximity effect in double (Cd,Mn)Te quantum well structure